The Education System Is Failing (Do This To Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals)

The Education System Is Failing  (Do This To Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals)
Photo by Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash
''I didn't fail school, school failed me. School fails entrepreneurs everyday, because it's not built for entrepreneurs, it's built for workers.''
- Gary Vaynerchuk

As kids we all thought that adults had everything figured out. That they were all knowing and had all the answers.

Only to grow up to realize that this is completely false.

In school we're taught to pick a field of study and pursue that to the end of the world to get a "good job".

Like slaves we're whipped into submission. To the follow mainstream narrative.

There are no lectures about marketing, copywriting, sales, public speaking, finance and the myriad of things not mentioned here that are a prerequisite to entrepreneurship.

As the school system wants you reliant on a job and not to be a sovereign fully capable individual able to provide for oneself.

It's not the teachers fault, they lack the awareness of what's possible in this life. They are a product of the system and are unknowingly doing their bidding.

You can't expect them to coach up students through something that they have yet to experience, which is the entrepreneurial journey.

There's no mentorship program for the person who wants to go into business for themselves.

It's very sad..

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”- Albert Einstein

So what do we do?

We have two options. To follow the advice and pursue a job that we may end up disliking later down the line – (studies show that our personality can completely change by the time we're in our late 20's)

So we run the risk of being stuck and having to work our way out of a job that we hate.

Or you take another approach that involves trial and error. To see what works best for you.

The problem with this in the eyes of many? It takes time and on the outside you'll look like a hot mess.

Who looks more successful, someone who has a steady, stable job early on?

Or the person who's taking karate classes, has self study and mentorship experience that is ongoing but is struggling to get by?

For the majority it's the latter,

One looks like they've reached the epitome of societal success. In their corporate well paid position.

The other looks like they don't even have their life figured out yet.

So if this perspective was true...

How come many of the most successful minds. Haven't followed this well paved out road that guidance counselors put the youth on?

They don't, these successful people below carve out their own path..

Famous People Who Did Not Follow The Conventional Path

  • Steve Jobs: Co-founder of Apple Inc. He dropped out of Reed College after just one semester. But continued to audit creative classes, including calligraphy. Which influenced the design of Apple products.
  • James Cameron: worked as a truck driver and took on various technical jobs. Before becoming a filmmaker.
  • Richard Branson: Founder of the Virgin Group. He struggled with dyslexia and dropped out of school at age 16. To start a youth-culture magazine called “Student.” Branson later ventured into a variety of businesses, from music to airlines.
  • Elon Musk: CEO of SpaceX and Tesla. Musk did attend college and earned degrees in economics and physics. But he dropped out of a PhD program at Stanford. After just two days to pursue business ventures, including Zip2 and Which later became PayPal.
  • Ralph Lauren: Fashion designer and founder of the Ralph Lauren Corporation. He dropped out of Baruch College, and worked various jobs before starting his own tie business. Which eventually grew into a global fashion empire.
  • Michael Dell: Founder of Dell Technologies. Dell started his computer company out of his dorm room at the University of Texas at Austin, and dropped out to focus on his business.

These are just a handful of people who have shown what is possible if you put your mind towards something. Something that you believe in.

It should be well known and written in stone, that you don't need to specialize early in life to be successful. That there is good evidence that showcases the need for a more generalized approach. Until you've experimented enough to know what you're gifted at.

Once you've experimented and you have enough tools on your belt. You can then specialize and go all into mastering your craft.

The Benefits Of Having An Increased Range Of Skills

  1. Adaptability: Diverse experiences prepare individuals to adapt to various situations and challenges.
  2. Innovative Thinking: Exposure to different fields fosters creativity, and the ability to think outside the box.
  3. Problem-Solving Skills: Broad knowledge provides multiple perspectives for solving complex problems.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Interacting with diverse groups broadens your network and opportunities.
  5. Resilience: Experiencing different fields builds resilience, and the ability to pivot when faced with obstacles.

No Fear, Move Forward.

Once you've developed a range of skills. Having discovered your strengths and weaknesses.

You'll then be able to commit yourself to the path of mastery. To become a specialized generalist, as you don't want to become completely scattered and gone with the wind.

Life is a marathon not a 40 yard dash. It takes time and patience to know what you want to commit your life to.

Malcolm Gladwell popularized the "10,000-hour rule". In his 2008 book Outliers: The Story of Success.

Saying even if you don't have a natural ability in something. You can become proficient and an expert at that craft.

Imagine instead of wasting countless hours on something. That in the long-run isn't even something that you, your Soul (your higher self) wanted to work on.

The work that you're destined to do.

But instead you blindly followed an implanted thought or idea from your school teacher or parents. How much harder would it be to then move on from this. If you've already invested years of your time into it?

Pretty hard to completely pivot, you'd fear what everyone would think of you.

People would most likely be talking behind your back,

"Is she crazy?"

"What is he thinking?"

There are two things at play that is preventing the person from moving on from their hated profession.

1.) "The Crab Mentality"

"This "crab mentality" reflects an attitude that prefers dragging others down rather than seeing them rise up. Crabs in a bucket will pull down any crab that tries to escape, ensuring no one achieves freedom."

The best thing you can do for your co-workers and the people who try to drag you down in life. Is to snap back at them, assert yourself and do what you gotta do to get out of that bucket. Then never look back. You will inspire the other crabs in the bucket to then follow the path you've carved out for yourself.

2.) "Sunk-cost fallacy"

"The phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial."

It's these two reasons above why many people get stuck in the careers they hate.

Don't get trapped, experiment and see what you're good at and works best for you.



Then once you know for certain, you can go all in on that thing you're good at and become a master at your craft.

Obviously if you're at a job you currently hate, you don't want to just get up and quit on the spot. You need to plan your escape and this takes time and a lot of strategic thinking.

I'll be writing and doing a video about this in the future.

Mastering Your Craft

Once you've gained enough experience to know what you want to commit the rest of your life towards doing and have escaped the bucket.

It's time to get to work, but before that..

You'll need to know some things...

1.) Take Care Of Yourself

If you're not in good shape physically, you won't be in a good place mentally.

You'll be running on fumes. This will trickle down and affect your thinking and decision making. Potentially taking you off your path with poor choices.

Strengthen your mind by strengthening your body.

As a qualified personal trainer. I'd recommend getting in 2-3 days of resistance training and 150 minutes of zone 2 cardio per week. With 1 gram of protein per lb bodyweight. Along with Omega 3/6, Vitamin D, Creatine & Magnesium.

If you have any questions about this information above. Or need help getting in shape, reach out to me in the DM's. I'd more than happy to be of service.

2.) Declutter Yourself

If you have a goal of where you want to be. Start thinking to yourself everything that isn't contributing towards this goal.

This will require discernment and you need to be brutally honest with yourself.

Video games, porn, drinking, toxic people, excessive t.v, social media.
Even hobbies that you enjoy doing. Too much of any of these can get in the way.

Ask yourself what you're willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals?

For me, I've sacrificed all the above. It took time, but I've replaced my bad habits with good ones.

It's totally worth it and you can do it to.

It requires your "WHY" to be big enough though. So you can start gaining pleasure from your purpose and journey towards your chosen goal. Instead of receiving instant gratification from these common pleasures the average man or women partakes in on a daily basis.

Ask yourself, what are you willing to sacrifice to live the life of your dreams?

For me it was a no brainer, (I'll discuss below what one of my goals are. I'll be giving you a template on how to systemize the completion of your goals.)

This template is proven to work.

3.) Prioritize Your Peace.

You need to be smart about this. Do some self reflection on the pace in which you want to travel. Don't go to hard and burn yourself out.

Zoom out and look at the big picture and journal the steps that you're going to take to get there.

Follow the "S.M.A.R.T" goal template below. I'll give you a personal example.

Specific - Start a family and provide for them

Measurable - I will study while on the treadmill, write my newsletter towards the evening and study my CEU's before bed 3-5 days a week.

Actionable - I'll have my certifications for my NASM-CES and PN Level 1 completed in 1 year. Remaining consistent with my online presence.

Reasonable - I'll be debt free and have money saved while doing the above. Getting at home training clients and looking to expand my services online.

Time-Sensitive - In 5 years I'll be in a position to support a family.

Get your systems down that you'll do everyday to make progress towards your smart goal. Small steps do lead to big places.

Ok now that you're in good health, you're not distracted and you have a proven system in place that will allow you to maximize your time and focus.

You can then strategically incorporate play into your schedule.

This will allow you to be more creative in your work and it will keep the ball snowballing in the longterm.

For example, I will go out fishing and surfing and enjoy nature once I've completed my weekly goals. I could also even bring a GoPro and record some content to add in some more personable stuff to connect with my community.

There's a good idea.

But hey, if you feel like you don't have the capacity to add on anything other than to focus on your weekly routine, then no problem. Keep at it.

If you ever get the itch though.. just send it and have some fun.

I promise it will help.

Marketing Yourself For Success

So if specializing is something that we're not built for early on in life and it restricts us.

How can we leverage this known fact into our advantage?

When presenting your work online.

Would it make more sense to connect with people in a way that they can relate too?

Another human being – with your entire personality and interests on display. Someone they can connect to and relate too?

A perfectly imperfect being that has no shame in who they are. Or a hyper focused person. That neglects their humanity in favor for extracting value from their community? A robot that performs a specific function if you will..

Before speaking about my personal experience and how I apply what I've just said into my life. I want to elaborate on this a little bit more.

Look online, see how many people are copy cats of one another. It's cringe.

Now look how many profiles are just straight up dope, awesome people that you would stop and be like.. Wow. That dude or girl is freaking cool.

Yea.. not many.

You need to stop people in their tracks and give them something they haven't seen before.

You need to give them you.

A Personal Story

I'm a Performance Coach / Personal Trainer and when I'm onboarding a new potential client. The very first thing that speaks before I even speak a word to my client, is my energy.

If you aren't in a good place mentally and or spiritually. Then you start talking about how you can help them.

There will be a wall. You will not get through it and you won't close any sales.

So first things first, do the self work so you can be vulnerable enough to be open and connect with people.

Contrary to what you've heard.. Entrepreneurship is a relationship building business. If you can't build relationships and connect with people. You're not going to be in business for yourself.


To serve your client, you need to be a genuine person that truly wants nothing but the best for them.

I'm not taking any lines out of the book, "How To Win Friends And Influence People". But straight up.. just be a good person. If you have the good heartedness down first.. Then and only then should you read the book. To know that your goodhearted nature is backed up by a lot of research and case studies.

The door to a sale is opened up through the trust they have in you. Trust that comes from the positive energy that you're radiating and the confidence you have in knowing your service can truly help them.

The eyes never lie. Let them speak.

It is your duty to communicate on how you can help them with their issue.

You have the opportunity to put your skillset that you've dedicated your life. A skillset crafted and honed to put fully on display for them to see.

As discussed earlier, pair your skill with GENUINE positive energy.

They are sold.

You don't need to resort to any shady sales tactics. I highly advise against this.

Alls you need to do is be yourself. Care about others and be passionate about the work you do.

Scroll back up, and re read marketing for success and my personal story.

Do you see the common over arching theme?

It's trust.

Nobody trusts a cold hearted robot that you press a button and it provides a specific service..


People trust people.

Showcase your humanity and connect with people, before you ever try to sell them on anything.

Using this strategy I have around an 70-80% closing rate with all leads I've had these past 1 1/2 years.

This is why I'm a big proponent on taking videos, pictures, etc. to show people who you are. This is showing them your energy. The same way you'd build rapport with someone in person. You build rapport across screen by sharing your interests and values.

Not just bland "value driven content"

Incorporate proven tactics yes, but be authentically you.

This is to attract people who want to work with you and repel those who don't like what they see.

"Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe"

The Law Of Equivalent Exchange

To become successful you need to know what you're good at, by going through trial and error. To get a taste for what you like.

To then master your craft and build relationships with those who you want to serve.

With no expectations, but only a genuine interest to help the people through our selfless driven service.

It is here that the law of equivalent exchange takes effect.

You cannot receive something of greater or equal value than what you give.

So give your heart and soul to your work, and the people will reward you in kind.

An energy exchange that must be honored in regards to your service and their energy (money).

You will not be able to fool the universe or the people.

Those narcissistic individuals who take the tactics I'm describing out of a service to self mentality. Will be seen right through. Will they make money? Sure.. but will they be truly happy within their business.


What I've shown and demonstrated only works for those who are pure of heart.

By focusing on being a good person and doing good for others. You'll naturally generate good karma to help you in business.

You have the laws of the universe behind your back.

So go forward knowing that you are on the right path..

Fully supported.