The Matrix Doesn't Want You To Know This Cure (Heal Yourself)

The Matrix Doesn't Want You To Know This Cure (Heal Yourself)
Photo by Maksim Istomin / Unsplash

I have a confession. I’ve been dealing with a disease my entire life.

This disease – is one that we all encounter in our lives at one point or another. Family, friends, co-workers, strangers. The people who are corrupted by this “dis-ease”. Will attack you from every angle until it leaves you sickened and in need of dire help.

This disease that I’m speaking about will make someone’s eyes turn completely red.

This disease that I’m speaking about, it's deadly name is called..

Yup you guessed it.


Like a virus that doesn’t go away. It plagues generations of families.

Only those who are strong enough. Who have ample support are able to escape its soul crushing grasp.

With knowledge and experience from those who are survivors. You can prevent it’s reoccurring generational cycle.

To help you within your narcissistic relationship and ones that you'll inevitably encounter in today's society.

(In today's liberation letter, we'll be going over)

  • A scenario of a narcissist.
  • A behavior list of their characteristics.
  • The hidden secret to make it through a narcissistic relationship.
  • What makes up a narcissist to their core.
  • How to heal from narcissism
  • The big picture mindset.

"Narcissism is the second-hand smoke of our time"
- Ramani Durvasula

Scenario Of A Narcissist In Action

Were you ever treated so bad for a reason that was unbeknownst to you? To have you left feeling confused and in the dumps?

Only to then have that same person. Act like nothing happened and go about life all fine and dandy? Being very nice to you shortly after. Even showering you with home cooked meals or gifts at times? Maybe even giving you praise that makes you flattered.

It's called love bombing. It's actually categorized as a form of psychological abuse. Disguised as flattery to manipulate someone.

Have you experienced these highs and lows within a relationship that you have; or had? Do you feel tired & frustrated?

It’s like you want to communicate with this person on how you feel, but they won't listen. Sometimes your anger boils over and you lose your temper..

When you finally hit your tipping point and you have a good argument to bring to the table.

They will then deny everything you’ve brought to said table. Attack you right back. Reverse the entire situation to make it seem that they're the victim. Then blame you for the entire situation that has now escalated beyond your control. Making it seem that you were the offender from the start.

This is a staple narcissistic tactic referred to as “DARVO”

  • Deny
  • Attack
  • Reverse
  • Victim
  • Offender

(It is the number one red flag that all narcissists will do.)

If this happens to you. Breathe, detach and know that you will not win the argument by logical discussion and debate. As this person, filled with rage. That only increases with intensity.

The more comments, reasonings, and logical solutions that you pile in – are like adding coal to a fireplace.

It will only make the fire more enraged.

You justify yourself and point out the problem. Trying to help, because you care about them and only want what's best for the both of you.

This will always end up backfiring and exploding in your face.

With your efforts obliterated. As you’re now left completely in the dust, in the wake of their rage.

So how can you combat a narcissist at their own game and win?

It's not easy but here's how,

(By knowing what to look out for and not engaging with one.)

We can identify them using this list below.

Narcissistic Behavior List

1.) Lack of empathy – they exhibit a lack of compassion in their daily interactions. Like getting mad at you for simple matters instead of seeing your situation from your shoes.

2.) Entitlement – they lack empathy because they feel completely entitled to you. Your undivided attention at all times no matter your circumstance.

3.) Grandiosity – With a sense of superiority over others, in their interactions with people. This gives them the confidence and charm to manipulate others to do their bidding.

4.) Superficiality – judging others on petty matters. This will reenforce their grandiose sense of self. These people actually do judge a book from the cover without ever reading what's inside.

5.) External Validation – Chronically seeking admiration from others. They need external validation & admiration from others. To feel good about themselves.

6.) Rage – Not in command of their emotions. They have a tendency to rage uncontrollably. Not emotionally smart at all.

7.) Arrogance – dismissive and devaluating other people. They have a – (I'm better than you attitude). That pairs well with their grandiosity.

8.) Projection – if ever in an argument. They will often project the very thing that they're doing to you. Making you seem like the one at fault.

9.) Gaslighting – they will then double down on their projections. Making you question your reality and sanity. They can also deny certain events that have happened, even if there's evidence to prove it. Lying and contradicting from what you know to be true.

Am I Losing My Mind? The Hidden Secret On How To Trust Yourself Through A Narcissistic Relationship

After these occurrences, you’re left questioning yourself. Am I the one to blame? Was it me that’s the problem?

A moment ago you were so sure of yourself that you were able to present a sound argument and come out on top. Now you’re questioning your entire thought process.

Is it my fault? Am I the problem here?

You’re left untangling yourself from the chaotic situation that happened. You’re dissecting every word spoken. Only to realize that you were gaslight. Blamed for something that was from the start.. Their fault. Their problem.

If you’re in a narcissistic relationship, or have had one in the past. Know that you’re not a victim. This person, placed into your life. Was to teach you the mindset skills. Needed to survive and thrive in this matrix society as a spiritual person.

You signed up for this before incarnating. Pen & paper you signed your souls contract.

For you see, if you were to have no psychological training. Before the discovery of the present world wide corruption. You would be incapable of ascending in consciousness. Due to your inability to accept the harsh truths of this world, and all of the lies along with it.

When dealing with a narcissist. There cannot be two realities co existing, it is their way or the highway.

Sound familiar? – "Cough cough mainstream news."

Mainstream news will play the same mind games that a narcissist uses. There is no difference other than one is arguably intentional, and the other is not intentional. Most of the time.

"Not my circus, not my monkeys"
- English Proverb

Back to the narcissist and their toxicity within your relationship. Due to this lack of communication and their unwillingness to be vulnerable. They will brush off your perspective, your reality.

Gaslighting you into oblivion – even if your communication is "just and sound".

If it goes against their unconscious ingrained toxic behavior pattern. They do not want to hear it, because they do not want to deal with it.

From your narcissistic interactions and relationships. You're able to level up mentally & spiritually. Having the utmost trust and faith in yourself.

You now take this newfound strength and apply it in your everyday interactions with troublesome people.

The hidden secret? – your perspective.

You're a victor. Not a victim.

The Adult Child: What Makes A Narcissist At Their Core

Narcissists have the emotional accountability of a 5 year old child.
They have not evolved and matured over their life. Their growth stunted due to their unresolved childhood trauma.

Forming a protective mechanism. That focuses on serving themselves. Not trusting people. Or being compassionate to others because of this unresolved childhood trauma. They then lay this false foundation. Built on distrust and grandiosity. Meant to protect their childhood insecurity from becoming exposed.

They continue to build on top of this false foundation –
With unaware lies they tell themself.
Negative coping mechanisms established in place, to prevent themselves from feeling their pain.

This is why narcissists are generally thought to be incapable of change.

Their entire identity, built upon decades of lies they've unknowingly told themselves.

To unpack this would be to crack their psyche – (Which would result in a complete mental breakdown.) That they’re unwilling to experience for obvious reasons.

So when you’re encountering a narcissist. Know from your experienced wisdom. That their expression of toxicity, grandiosity and lack of empathy for others. Is a direct reflection of the trauma. That they’re protecting from becoming exposed for public view.

How To Heal From Narcissism

1.) Recognizing the narcissist: The first step. Is to identify that you are dealing with a narcissist. This involves understanding the traits and behaviors associated with narcissism that we discussed above.

2.) Understanding the narcissist's behavior: Once you've identified the narcissist. It's important to understand their behavior patterns. This will help you to avoid falling into the same traps again.

3.) Setting boundaries: Establishing and maintaining boundaries is crucial when dealing with a narcissist. This can help protect you from further abuse.

4.) Prioritizing self-care: Narcissistic abuse can take a toll on your overall well being. It's important to practice self-care and have time to yourself in solitude.

5.) Seeking support: Healing from narcissistic abuse can be a challenging process. Seeking support from friends, family, or a trusted advisor. Can provide you with the help and guidance you need.

6.) Learning to trust again: Narcissistic abuse can make it difficult to trust others. It's important to work on rebuilding your trust in others and in yourself.

“If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings, then you’re a badass with the heart of an angel.”
Keanu Reeves

You Got This

Your experience with these people on an intimate level. Will create the spiritual warrior that you must become. To face the sociopaths that lie to everyone on the world stage.

To know that what is happening in this world – isn’t right. To not allow yourself become programmed into the contorted hive mind mentality.

To accomplish this, you're armed with self awareness. Wisdom from your past and or current narcissistic relationships. That has made you immune. To repeating the victimhood cycle that breeds more narcissists. Both in your family and society at large.

This is the core of how the shadow government controls the people from behind the scenes. Breaking up the family unit and abolishing health, spirituality and the middle class. Having the people rely on big government for their medical, parental & financial needs.

Everything they use against the current population. The population of sheep that are falling as prey to these sinisterly sick individuals.

Comes from a victimhood mindset. All these current movements. Would not be possible if they did not feel victimized and oppressed for whatever reason.

A whole, sovereign and empowered individual Soul. Does not need external validation.

A self realized person, in connection with the divine.

Will not fall for these victimhood traps.

With this power that you wield, from the battles and wars that you’ve won.

You are like Neo, in the Matrix.

The victimhood, narcissistic hive-mind people. The agent smiths of this world.

No matter how many of them – that are thrown your way..

Will not ever deter you off your divinely destined path.

A path that is for you, and you alone to travel. To re-discover your gifts, become great, and to be a much needed light in this world.