12 min read

Why Spiritual People Lose Their Gifts: Must Read

Why Spiritual People Lose Their Gifts: Must Read

“A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions” - Oliver Wendell Holmes

When somebody has achieved a higher state of consciousness.

They become aware of themselves and their reality in a much deeper way. They discover secrets that were hidden from plain view about themselves. It's as if it was always there, but they just couldn't put a finger on it before.

They simply didn't have the clarity to see, and describe exactly what they were feeling. When they go back to revisit this past revelation of theirs. They get caught up in a soup kitchen of a mess within their mind.

It's as if they can no longer access the same level of consciousness as they once did before..

Frustrated, they begin to overthink things. Going down a rabbit hole of a story, of all the reasons why they can no longer do what they did before. As they continue to go down what seems to be a never ending spiral of negativity and doubt.

They lose hope that they will never be able to have the enlightening experience as they did in the past. Grasping onto said experience like a life raft.

They can use their past revelations as a crunch to keep them up and going.
This is where you'll hear people constantly talking about their spiritual visions and such to others. In hopes that it will spark something back and ignite the fire once more.

They then get caught into the ego trap and start to think overly high of themselves out of desperation. So highly in fact that they become delusional in their quest to regain power.

There is no judgement here.

You see, life is like a river. There is never the same stream of water flowing where you stand.

When you have a spiritual experience. Take the opportunity to go deeply into the now. Being in gratitude for what is being shown to you. Allowing yourself to move from one moment to the next.

Without the need to go back and revisit a past revelation and constantly think about it. In order to feed your ego of how "mighty" you are.

Doing this will cut off your connection to spirit. You won't be able to access the river that is constantly flowing in front of you. Flowing within this ever present now moment in time.

The only moment available to you, and only accessible if you move out of your own way and allow yourself to simply be.

To stop thinking of the past and RELEARN how to be here now, TO BE YOURSELF.

To breathe and be grateful for whatever experience you're currently having. Good, bad or indifferent, they're all simply lessons for your souls evolution.

There is always an insight available to you. In how to overcome whatever obstacle that you're now facing.

Fret not. You must trust yourselves. Having faith that the universe is always conspiring in your favor. By deeply being with yourself within every now moment. You're able to fully embrace the lessons, that the universe is currently teaching you right now.

It becomes like muscle memory, you don't have to ever "think" about it.

You flow from one moment to the next. Experiencing what needs to be experienced to move up the ladder of ascension. Not experiencing based upon "what your ego thinks".

But following the soft, gentle, loving pull of spirit and listening to the whispers of the soul, your soul.


It's why meditation and breath work is so crucial. To get out of the soup kitchen of a mess that will happen in the mind, from time to time. Caused by the deranged ego's need for control.

Use your allotted time to honor yourselves, you deserve it. Relax and still the mind to clean up kitchen.

Allowing spirit to take the reign and guide your life once again.

Move Forward, Let Go.

As spiritual people, we can often get so in the moment that we lose track of time.

Time is a man-made construct.

It is only used to keep track of our daily activity.

Crucial to living in the human experience.

Without it, we would have no sense and wouldn't be able to function in this modern world.

A common saying in the spiritual community

- "All in divine timing."

Yes, I agree, and I say this a lot.

Yet everything has to operate under a sense of time. A sense of urgency to complete the task to achieve your goals.

Your sense of urgency at any given moment will differ.

Allow yourself to embrace the ebb and flow of life. Take a balanced approach, take breaks, and go at a pace that is doable for the long term.

When I say balanced approach, I'm not referring to watering down your efforts. Quite the contrary, you need to be fully invested in what you're doing to succeed.

In Jiu-Jitsu, taking a balanced approach would mean not going balls to the wall aggressively and burning out right when you start the roll.

You need to breathe, pace yourself, and account for the difficulties you're about to face.

The same goes for life and your business goals.

Suppose you consider yourself a spiritual person who always operates under a sense of piety (devotion). You are in intimate connection within the present moment, connected to a purpose greater than serving yourself.

In this sacred place where time ceases to exist.

Time management isn't our strong suit. It is a learned skill that we develop through our human experience.

One that isn't taught in school.. So we're going over it now.

Here's a good question to answer:

What can we do to optimize our lives with time management, yet still be in connection with the spirit of the moment?

Here are 9 - time management brain hacks to accomplish the above.

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